Saturday, May 30, 2009

love knows no limits......

what's love.....where it originated ....where it end's ..i really don't know and if anyone thinks that he know's that i am sorry my friend you have just got mistaken
love is just like knowledge "The more depth you travel the more you came to know how much distance more is left for you to travel.."

Today,, i am going to talk about a Oscar Nominated movie "READER" it comes with a punchline how far you would go to protect a secret ,and i have to say that it's a really well woven movie....and kate is just looking gorgeous as ever.

It's a movie about a affair between a teenager and a elder women..or i should say about their unspoken love....

The Hero "Ralph fennies "at the age of 18 is being..helped by a women in her 30's ...when he felt ill while travelling and when he went back to say thanks to her for her curtousy of helping him....he can't save himself from falling under her love....

And after just a month they got seprated ...and they met after a long gap in a situation where kate winslet the movie heroine is being held as a convict for the murder of 300 jewish..and he was observing the case while doing his bachelor in law..

And she get's sentenced a life imprisionment..and only the hero"ralph fennies" knows she is not guilty but to protect her secret he remains silent.

He can't forget her his whole life and help her to get free from her biggest weakness.. and keeps her enriched by telling her stories which she loves the most....

After completing this movie...i just thought for a sec "would there be someone with whom after spending just one month" i can say she would remember me for ever...
the answer may be yes or no....

But i can say onething... for that love
That it would be really pure..knowing no bars of age,caste or anything..if it knows anything than it would be love and nothing else..

And i truly believe that the correct defination of love would only be ' a feeling that knows no barrier and if it knows it knows just it's lover and itself' ...

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